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Vinyl Box
Holiday Vinyl Pressing Offer: FREE COLOR UPGRADE & 5 FREE TEST PRESSIN...
Get Your Music Noticed by Playlist Curators: A Simple Guide
Get Your Music Noticed by Playlist Curators: A Simple Guide
#livemusic#technology #concerts
Live music in 2024: A new era of immersive experiences
The live music industry has gone through a remarkable transformation i...
#merch#artist #music
Music merchandising: A booming industry
In recent years, the music merchandising “merch” industry has undergon...
#music#comedy #musicindustry
The resurgence of comedy music: A TikTok phenomenon
Comedy music is making a remarkable comeback, driven by the influentia...
#music#streaming #discord
RYTHM: Discord music bot relaunches after years of negotiations
The once wildly popular but unauthorized Discord music bot “Rythm” is ...
The ELVIS Act: Tennessee's new law to protect musicians from AI
Tennessee has become the first U.S. state to pass legislation to prote...
TikTok's impact on the music scene
Since its launch in 2016, TikTok has transformed the way we interact w...
#Playlist#Marketing #Musicindustry
Why should artists curate playlists to promote their music?
With the appearance of new platforms and technologies, marketing strat...
#Music#Vinyl #Sales
Vinyl sales continue to rise in 2023 in the US
The music industry continues to evolve, more adaptable and changing th...
How to distribute your music with iMusician
Find out how iMusician can streamline your music distribution process,...
How to get on Spotify Playlists in 2024
Throughout this guide, we'll explore some key tips to secure coveted s...
#marketing#partner #release #baseformusic
Setting up an effective marketing campaign for your music release
Looking for support with your music marketing? Discover more !
#interview#musique #electronique #mirages
Discover the Behind-the-Scenes of "Mirages" with JB Dunckel and Jonathan Fitoussi
Pour célébrer cette sortie vinyle très attendue, nous avons eu l'oppor...
#Music#legends #BlackHistoryMonth
February is Black History Month! The perfect opportunity to celebrate ...
Artist communication : The importance of relationship marketing
Here are a few key points to bear in mind when developing an effective...
##VideoGames#LondonMusicWorks #VideoGameMusic
The Essential Games Music Collection: Elevating Virtual Realms through Melody
Beyond the striking visuals and intricate gameplay, there exists an of...
#diggers factory
The music industry and technological advances
The impact of technological advances on the music industry
Mastering, illustration... we answer your most frequently asked questions! PART 2
Our Artists & Labels Relations team receives many requests every day. ...
How to promote your music in 2023
Our partner at Groover present how to efficiently promote your music i...
#digital bonus
#audio tape
Test Pressings, digital bonus… We answer your questions ! [PART 1]
Test Pressings, digital bonus… We answer your questions ! [PART 1]
Artists in festivals this summer
A short selection of artists pressed on vinyl by Diggers Factory that ...
News alert : Vinyl sales exceed CD sales for the first time in the US since 1987
News alert : Vinyl sales exceed CD sales for the first time in the US ...
23 artists to listen to in 2023
A non exhaustive list of 23 artists you should absolutely listen to in...
Like vinyl, is the CD making a comeback?
Like vinyl, is the CD making a comeback?
What is the difference between Mixing and Mastering in music production ?
What is the difference between Mixing and Mastering in music productio...
The sound of horror: John Carpenter's music that scared the world.
The sound of horror: John Carpenter's music that scared the world.
Vinyl in the 7th art!
Discover our top vinyl apperance in your Favorite movies!
August Selection 2022
Discover our favorites selection of August 2022 !
How to make a summer hit?
An overview of how the summer hit evolved, and how to produce one!
"Hustle", first collaboration between Netflix and Diggers Factory
"Hustle", first collaboration between Netflix and Diggers Factory.
Women In the Music Industry
A short reflection from our team about the place of women in music ind...
RAP US at Diggers Factory
What Everyone Ought To Know About US RAP AT DIGGERS FACTORY
##vinylindustry#2022 #majorholdups #diggersfactory #vinyl
2022, major hold-ups' year for the vinyl industry ?
Why the vinyl industry has been facing major hold-ups since the beginn...
##vinylrecords#jazz #collection #music
Masters of Jazz, our latest arrivals
Discover the new arrivals in our prestigious collection "Masters of Ja...
#vinyl record
Vinyl records VS Digital : which option to choose for an artist ?
What format should an artist choose ?
#music industry
Top 5 tools to make contacts in the music industry
Beyond the legendary “word of mouth” and “string-pulling” which have t...
August selection
Here is the august selection!
#New Year
A selection of the best resolutions for our diggers!
#music history
Early 2000s: the essential electro labels
A look back at a pivotal period in electronic music
#tommy marcus
Interview Tommy Marcus X Diggers Factory
Discover Brut, the new Tommy Marcus' album
The return of the object when everything is digitalided
How can we explain this massive come back of the vinyl in a world made...
Get 100 copies pressed with Diggers Factory x ReverbNation
Diggers Factory and ReverbNation share a common goal: supporting indep...
King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - 12 Bar Bruise
Welcome to Australia, where everything can - and will - kill you. Exce...
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